Simple Grace

What is grace? GRACE is a gift unearned. It is free and available to all of us. Its source is a loving Universe. Grace is getting out of my own way and my Higher Self’s way. I know it when I see it or feel it.

Grace is allowing the good and the gratefulness to get through the muck and the mire, being able to move on from a mistake or loss or regret without too much mind spinning and heart rending.

That’s GRACE.

So is pausing to take in awe at a sunset, an ocean, a mountain, and your own backyard in bloom.

Grace is being considerate of others and all creation. Grace is gentle and gradual and from a gigantic grace pool that never runs dry because grace, like gratefulness, is generative.

Why all this talk of GRACE? It is my word for the year, to go along with the collective MAGIC I wrote about in my last post.

I can’t fully explain grace, but I will take it. Thank you very much!

And I will take some help from one of my favorite authors, Anne Lamott, and her book Grace (Eventually) Thoughts on Faith.

Here is the book cover:

And here are a few quotes from the book:

“Joy is the best makeup.”

“You can get the monkey off your back, but the circus never leaves town”

“I remember staring at my son endlessly when he was an infant, stunned by his very existence, wondering where on earth he had come from.”

“It is hard to remember that you are a cherished spiritual being when you're burping up apple fritters and Cheetos.”

“Usually with life, you start wherever you are, and you flail around for a while--”

“Being human can be so dispiriting. It is a real stretch for me a lot of the time.”

Thank you Anne Lamott! Grace is also having a sense of humor about oneself and life.

Understanding grace may not be simple, but there is simplicity in the receiving of it. Simply open mind, heart, and soul and receive what is here in the present moment. That is where grace can be found. No definition needed, just a welcome reception.

Thanks Laurel! I wonder where grace will lead me in the coming moments and months . . .


Brick by Brick


The Magic in Letting Go